Afternoon Electives

Available to the greater homeschool community. You do not have to be enrolled in the morning program. Classes are purchased individually.

1st Grade - High School

Seasonal offerings (Fall, Winter, Spring) open to KLA and the wider community. Past examples include (Science Experiments, Yoga, Poetry, Arts & Crafts, Geography, Cursive, Volleyball, Cooking, Dance, Sewing)


Afternoon electives are drop off programs. If you anticipate a tough transition, let us know and we can come up with a plan to best support your child.

Sibling discounts are not available for this program.

Once a session is underway, classes are non-refundable.

Morning program students can pay a la carte or add $2500 to annual tuition.

Afternoon Electives

Fill out the form below to sign up

Spring Electives 2024

Limited Spaces - waitlist sign up available

Tuesdays - Writers Workshop

Wednesdays - Hands on History

Thursdays - Sign Language + Senses